The Personal Development Resource Centre

Headspace is a global leader in mindfulness and meditation through its app and online content offerings. We believe that mindfulness should encompass every aspect of life, not just when you’re

sitting to meditate. We provide unique tools and resources to mindfulness rooted in authentic expertise dating back 2,000 years and backed by proven scientific research. We offer inspiration,

guidance, and support to living a mindful life in the pursuit of improving the health and happiness of the world.

Our latest Manifestation / Law of Attraction offer that helps users discover their “Manifestation Ability” through our short quiz… After-which they are presented with the Manifestation 3.0 audio program that helps them improve their manifestation ability to Level 3.0.

A proven Top-10 offer that helps transform people’s lives. Works great for Law of Attraction, Manifestation, and general traffic.

These products include 6 Minutes to Success and  Magic in Your Mind. We educate and empower our audience through products, services and events that expand awareness and harmonize people with the natural, immutable Laws of the Universe.

Dramatically increase your results – In ALL areas of your life with the ease, convenience and motivation of Six Minutes to Success. Get practical steps combined with the real inspiration you need to earn more money, create thriving relationships, start a wildly successful business, lose any amount of weight and live a more productive, fulfilling life.

  • In the comfort of your own home
  • With the easy convenience of a mobile device
  • With thought free daily reminders to keep you on track
  • Lessons from the star of the hit movie The Secret, Bob Proctor

All The Success You’ve Ever Dreamed of … Magically Yours
As someone who is goal-oriented you already know the importance of having positive and productive thoughts. In fact, it’s so important that it’s the barrier between mediocrity and extravagant success.

Non-Useful Thoughts …

Are random and chaotic
Come in response to the outside world—what you see, hear, smell, taste and touch
Induce boredom, complacency and fear
See things as they are and not as they can be
Come from your rational mind, and are therefore based on limited and flawed information

Useful Thoughts …

Are orderly and are not subject to the chaos that is going on around you
Tap into the spiritual power that is flowing into your consciousness and use it to originate thoughts and create ideas
Attract other thoughts and ideas that vibrate in harmony with your heart’s desires
Allow you to actively and deliberately create the life you truly want, instead of settling for the life the world presents to you
Are connected to the perfect, unlimited side of yourself and can literally change the world

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